
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Whatcha-Got Stew

My children and I have a summer tradition. At the end of the month, when money gets tight, we fix a giant pot of “Whatcha-Got Stew”. The kids go out to the garden and find the last of the carrots or onions or cabbages- whatever they can find in the overgrown, weedy mess of a late season garden and then come running inside to share what they found. It usually isn’t much- a carrot here, half a small red onion that escaped the early harvest there. If we’re lucky, they even find a potato or some self-sown spinach. While they’re outside, I’m digging through the bottom of the freezer looking for a little bit of meat- and I do mean a little! Whatever we find, we throw in the stew pot and then the boys take turns tasting and seasoning while I make noodle bits.  We never fail to have enough for the family on the nights we do this and, even better, it’s never the same. 

If I can take the small offerings of my children and turn them into a tasty, filling meal- how much more can God take our small offerings and turn them into something amazing? This is what it is to be part of his grand story of redemption- to bring God what we have, to say, “Here I am with my little bit. Now, what’s the plan? I’m in.” So next time he asks you do something scary with the little you have, remember Whatcha-Got Stew and take a chance. God takes what we have and fills us –and those around us- up. I don’t know how, He just does.

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