
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Did you know that the word holy was originally used to refer to temple prostitutes? These women and, yes, men were set apart for service to their god and use by any who would petition their god’s divine intervention. Remember this next time you are tempted to withdraw from the world in order to pursue ‘holiness’.  To be holy is not to be apart only but to be set apart in service to our god wholly and completely. It is to be used up to our uttermost by Him while ministering to any who would petition His divine intervention.

Just a thought.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Whatcha-Got Stew

My children and I have a summer tradition. At the end of the month, when money gets tight, we fix a giant pot of “Whatcha-Got Stew”. The kids go out to the garden and find the last of the carrots or onions or cabbages- whatever they can find in the overgrown, weedy mess of a late season garden and then come running inside to share what they found. It usually isn’t much- a carrot here, half a small red onion that escaped the early harvest there. If we’re lucky, they even find a potato or some self-sown spinach. While they’re outside, I’m digging through the bottom of the freezer looking for a little bit of meat- and I do mean a little! Whatever we find, we throw in the stew pot and then the boys take turns tasting and seasoning while I make noodle bits.  We never fail to have enough for the family on the nights we do this and, even better, it’s never the same. 

If I can take the small offerings of my children and turn them into a tasty, filling meal- how much more can God take our small offerings and turn them into something amazing? This is what it is to be part of his grand story of redemption- to bring God what we have, to say, “Here I am with my little bit. Now, what’s the plan? I’m in.” So next time he asks you do something scary with the little you have, remember Whatcha-Got Stew and take a chance. God takes what we have and fills us –and those around us- up. I don’t know how, He just does.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Inside a tiny acorn lies a great oak, slumbering until surrounded by the soaking presence of the rains. How my soul is like the tiny acorn! Slumbering and silent, helpless against this world until the Spirit of God surrounds me with His presence and awakens me to the possibilities of life, of growth, of strength! May we always long for the Presence of God, may we always – like the acorns and the oaks- drink in the rain with abandon and learn to plant our roots deep in the soil of the Word of God for without both the deepening and the drinking, there is no growing toward the light of the Son.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Black and Blue

Belgian D'Uccle Pullets
These two little beauties don't even have names yet but they are beautiful and friendly and apparently find lemon balm very, very tasty.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I confess that as rewarding as canning is, it is my least favorite part of gardening. Inside and over a hot stove, it smacks of cooking and we all know how I feel about that! Oh, I can do it. I just have better things to do with my time than cook for kids who would rather eat mac and cheese 24/7. Yeah, file that under "mom of the year award".  Unfortunately, I can't justify gardening if I am not productive with it and so - with MUCH prodding and help from my husband - I can. Under protest.

It's a circle of life kinda thing...

One of many advantages when trying live sustainably is less waste. For instance: we harvest grapes and make jellies and wine, the chickens eat the grape seeds and any bad grapes, the chickens then lay eggs and give us fertilizer to help the garden produce more grapes and other tasty treats. It's a circle of life kinda thing.

(Pictured on the left: 
Bawk, Squawk, Buford, Princess, 
Daphne, and Velma.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sugar & Spice

Sugar and Spice are my first foray into the world of bantam (miniature) chickens. I am continually amazed at the intelligence and personality of these little birds. In fact, I'm quite taken with them.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

truth and love

Truth and love are inextricable intertwined. Separated, they become destructive parodies of the originals. Without love, truth becomes harsh and deadly to the soul. Without truth, love becomes sickly and false.


Friday, June 17, 2011

New Roost for the Girls

I'm pretty excited about the new roosts. I'm ready for the girls to have a home of their own. I've blocked off the nest boxes for the near future until they learn how to sleep on the roosts. This should prevent them from developing the bad habit of sleeping in a nest box and hence prevent poopy eggs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Trooper: Master Chicken Tamer

First of all, don't worry: That is fresh, never-been-pooped-on sand. Having said that, Trooper is turning into quite the patient and adept chicken trainer. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

idol times

Regret is the idol of the past and worry is the idol of the future but the only way to worship a present God is to remain in the now. After all, He is big enough to redeem both the past and the future when we seek Him today.


Friday, January 28, 2011

occam's razor

To say, "God healed me" in our post-modern society is a difficult thing and often requires courage. Most of our friends, after hearing that, look on us as if we are slow-witted and to be pitied or, worse, under-educated and un-discerning of the 'logical' processes by which we are now well. This is because, though we are taught that the simplest answer is often the truest, we are also taught that God does not qualify as a simple answer.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011